Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Analysis Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis Report - Case Study Example They are situations that are merely beyond control of the organization. First, there were technical problems caused by weather conditions and malfunctioning of the parts manufactured by the contractors. At the time of different scheduled launches, there existed poor atmospheres that could not allow spacecrafts to operate. As a result, there was an adjournment at various dates. On the other hand, the parts that were manufactured by Thiokol were an ineffective and an exposed danger to human beings. Thus, there was need to correct them before NASA could operate as a result hindered NASA operations and reduced confidence from the stakeholders. NASA experienced economic shortage in finance due to reduced funding from the Congress. The country was embroiled in war with the Vietnamese, hence had reduced their support to the organization. Thus, they could not work as per their specifications and had to revert to more cost effective ways. This limited their goals and could not make effective decision on their own since there was a control from the government sect. Due to these inefficiencies, it meant that the organization could not achieve its objectives and had to be rational enough if they were to succeed. They had to prolong maturity dates of the project, abandon the most sophisticated space crafts and manufacture according to budget. The management also had to spread work as they did in the three branches to allow for more consultations and smooth workflow. Roger Bosjoloy was an expert in the solid rocket booster at the Morton Thiokol. He was charged to oversee an efficient manufacture of the O-ring rocket parts. The unit he led played a significant part in the launch of the challenger however much they experience technical problems. He was however in support of the launch of the challenger regardless of the problems he knew existed. To persuade

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