Sunday, December 8, 2019

Establish and Develop Health and Safety †

Questions: 1.Discussing information about childrens medical and routine requirements with parents? 2.What is immunisation ? Answers: Assessment 1 It is important that the policy must ensure that it will look after the childrens medical and routine requirements with parents. It also ensures that the children should take their food proper way which must be healthy for them. Along with the physical activity and healthy lifestyles are also providing to them. The parents must visit for regular health checkups for their children and consult with appropriate authorities. According to the National Quality Standard 2.1.1 under a service medical condition policy the enrolment forms has been proceed which contains health information and authorizations for each child which are enrolled. This policy will help the children to get supports for their health and physical wellbeing. Under the enrollment process the administrator who took responsibility for the medication of the child can have the access to the information about the childrens health. It is necessary a rest/sleep/relaxation/quite areas is needed for the children who attend child care because the children need to be relaxed in a comfortable relaxing environment for resting their bodies. The relaxation will help them to get back their energy if the child is sick. The provided relation environment should be safe and well supervised which will provide safe, secure and healthy benefits to them. The rest areas and sleeping equipment that should be made available for babies and older children are cots, portable cots, mattresses, prams and strollers, the hygiene policies where all the equipments will be cleaned in a proper way, sleep wares. Hanging cords or strings from blinds, curtains, mobiles or electrical appliances must be kept away from cots or mattresses to prevent a child from choking or hanging. Every time it is necessary that all the equipments should be cleaned. The baby cots, mattress should be cleaned with proper cleaning process which helps to keep it hygienic. It is the duty of the supervisor that they will look after every cleaning process. Every baby should have their own bed linen and after taking rest the resting mattress should be cleaned. The other materials like and mattresses are also cleaned by regularly. It is necessary for the children who came for child care; their rest room should be a silent place where the environments will comforts the babies to get rest before and after they take rest of the medication process. In the room the equipments should be cleaned and safe for the children and must not create any noise which can disturb them while they are resting or sleeping. Poem The supervisor must remove those toys which a child has sneeze or coughed while playing with it. The toys should be cleaned by wearing hand gloves. The toys should be washed in warm water and detergent and dry with clean cloth or better to dry in the sun. The broken toys always are removed because it may hurt any child. The cleaning equipments are also must not harm the health of the child. The staffs should look after the children that they must not through sand or tire chips and must not climb up the slides. Children must slide feet first down the slide and must be on their bottoms. The outside toys are not allowed inside the child care. The children are only allowed to sit in swing alone and nobody is allowed to stand near the swing. The children who are aged less than 5 years are more sensitive rather than older children. They are needed to be taken care with extra attention which is necessary for running the child care. Those children are not able to take care of them themselves therefore they are needed to taken care of every issues under some staffs who are expert of it. When the education programmer planned for an excursion they should undertake risk management. The risk management should be processed under some emergency procedures. In an excursion a lot of people are getting involved in the process to deal with the hazardous. They organization should have a backup plan to deal with the risk and they will consider the seriousness of the risk associated risk managements. According to the hazards they will deal with the issue of risk management. If it has been found that broken glasses in the child play area then I will make it sure that no child will play on that place and the persons are must make the distances from the hazard palaces. After that the cleaning staffs should clean the broken pieces of the glass because it may harm someone. It is the duty of the staff of the child care that they must take care of the outdoor places. The hazardous processes are elimination which helps to removes the damages of danger. The substitution is a process where it helps to control hazards by replacing the issues with a less risky way to achieve the same outcomes. the isolation is another process which helps to separate the hazard from the people at risk by isolating it. the engineering is a process which helps in engendering and helps in making physical changes for the less risks. The phone number for poisons information hotline (Australia) is 13 11 26. Before listing the Poisons Information Centre number for the product or SDS it is needed to must provide product details to the National Poisons Register. The contract number is (02) 9515 1267. Assessment 2 Immunization: it is a process where individually any persons immune system has been fortified against an agent which is also called immunogenic. It helps to protect children from harmful infections or diseases before it affects their body. It us basically provided to the children through a vaccination process which helps to prepare the bodys immune system. There are several diseases can be prevented through the immunization which are rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, , tetanus, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis (polio) Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B. Process of immunization: it is basically works through a vaccination process by inject it in a childs body. When the child is injected or provided through polio drops it automatically produces the immune response following exposure to a disease. It creates a immune systems for the body. If in future the body makes contact with any disease then it will make the immune response very fast before the person fall sick due to the disease. Vaccines: it is a process of a biological preparation which helps to form a acquired immunity for a particular disease. It is a form of bacteria or virus which can be injected to the body for prevent an infection. It is contains with an agent called microorganism which make the killed the toxins and through the stimulation of the agent the immune system recognize the cells and destroy those infected parts. it helps to protects the future infection also in the body. Reason of immunization: we should immunize our children because it helps to prevents from any disease which may cause unpleasant and serious infectious diseases and it may have a long term of side effects. It creates a safety zone for the children from any diseases in the society. More the children immunized, the chances of diseases will increased. Sometimes a childhood infection causes disabilities for the children which could have long term of side effects or causes death. One of the examples of the emergency evacuation procedure is the communication and display of emergency and evacuation procedures. In this procedure approved provider and nominated supervisor will take initial steps which will prevent risks in emergency situation for the staffs and children. They must make it sure that the whole emergency procedures are displayed a wide prominent place near the exit area and all the staffs must aware about it. It is also important that the all staffs are must trained in those emergency procedures and they have a habit of regular practices of that. It is also important that the all the stuff should have knowledge about the emergency evacuation points. Therefore it is also need to mention that the guardians of the children are also aware about the place of emergency evacuation. The more the supervisor and staffs are became aware about the emergency evacuation procedure, more it will make sure the proper safety towards the children. It is one of the important emergency evacuations but sometimes due to the lack of attention, the procedure did not apply in a proper way which causes damages. This is necessary for the staffs that they must ensure the safety procedure in the emergency situation.

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