Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Own Device ( Byod ) And Risks Associated With It

Abstract This paper is about Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and risks associated with it. The conditions for risks to occur, the managerial and technical solutions to such risks are discussed. Introduction BYOD or Bring Your Own Device refers to the policy of permitting employees to bring personally owned mobile devices (laptops, tablets, and smart phones) to their workplace, and to use those devices to access privileged company information and applications (Bradley December 20, 2011). This concept is a growing trend for the information technology and many more business sectors. Businesses that appreciate Bringing Your Own Devices have some advantages over the others. For instance, the costs tend to shift towards the BYOD user instead of†¦show more content†¦However there are an equal amount of risks involved with this. Security has been the primary concern. A superior authority monitoring the employees all the time is impossible. The manager has no right to access the devices of the workers as they are private. Also this might reduce productivity if the employees lose focus on work and use their devices for entertainment or personal benefits. Using and misusing data, network or resources in the workplace for personal gain. In some cases, data can be stolen from the organization using such devices causing loss or theft of data. Hence there is lack if control and potential malware threats (Pillay, Diaki et al. 2013). Trend Drivers for BYOD BYOD is gaining high popularity and growth which is evident from the Ovum’s research paper published in 2012. Respondents in the emerging, â€Å"high-growth† markets (including Brazil, Russia, India, UAE, and Malaysia) demonstrate a much higher propensity to use their own device at work. Almost 75% of users in these countries did so, compared to 44% in the more mature developed markets. The research revealed that 79% of employees in high growth markets believe that constant connectivity with work applications enables them to their job better, versus 53.5% in mature markets. There is a distinct lack of BYOD management – everywhere. On average only 20.1% of employees who use personal devices have also signed a policy governing that behaviour. USA and India are nearer to 50%. The

Monday, December 16, 2019

Marketing strategies of the crescent Free Essays

In the recent years, Amtrak has been forced to undertake new marketing strategies due to declining sales.   As faster and more cost effective ways of traveling have become more popular and cost effective, train travel has had some difficulty keeping up.   However, traveling by train offers some unique opportunities and experiences that are not available with other modes of transportation. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing strategies of the crescent or any similar topic only for you Order Now    Amtrak is attempting to use these unique attributes to market its train that travels from New York City to New Orleans and back, the Crescent. Amtrak has been marketing the Crescent by emphasizing the comfort that it offers as compared to other forms of transportation.   The new marketing strategies of Amtrak compare the seats of the Crescent with the seats on an airplane and show that the seats on the Crescent more spacious as compared to the seats an airplane.   This marketing strategy is also similar to the new â€Å"travel as you wish† campaign for Amtrak Cascades which emphasizes the comfort and luxuries of traveling by train. Another marketing strategy that Amtrak has employed is by improving the quality of the meals that are served since the Crescent is also equipped with a dining car which serves full meals that are cooked fresh aboard the train.   The menu on board the Crescent has a wide variety of choices to select from and the quality of the food is much better than typical airline food.   In line with this marketing plan, Amtrak has also kept the prices of foods and beverages in its dining car and snack bar reasonable to provide the passenger with all the eating opportunities possible. The marketing strategies for the Crescent that have been utilized by Amtrak also emphasize the fact that train travel is more convenient and enjoyable than any other mode of land transportation, especially for families.   Unlike traveling by car or any other mode of land transportation, traveling by train allows passengers to sit back and enjoy the ride. There is no more need to worry about taking a wrong turn or trying to navigate by using folded maps that are inaccurate or outdated or even finding a nice place to use the restroom.   Amtrak capitalizes on this advantage by marketing its services to families with children by offering discounted rates for children traveling with adults.   This makes train travel a great experience for the entire family because it also allows the children to wander around on board the train as opposed to being confined to the backseat of a car. Boarding a train has also been made much easier by Amtrak to the extent that is has made this even easier than boarding an airplane.   The passengers can avoid long lines and are allowed to keep most of their luggage within easy access of their seat.   This is even better than airplanes which only allow hand carried items of limited dimensions to be stored on board with the passenger and cause a certain level of inconvenience for the passenger, not only during boarding but also upon arrival and waiting at the luggage claim area. Another inconvenience caused by traveling by airplane which Amtrak has used to its advantage it by allowing the use of cellular phones throughout the duration of the train ride.   This advantage appeals to those who have important business to conduct but still prefer to travel comfortably.   The cellular phone use allows businessmen and bankers to be on top of their work while enjoying the many fine facilities and comforts that the Crescent can provide. The Crescent is sometimes equipped with an observation car that allows travelers to climb up to a second level and enjoy a panoramic perspective of their surroundings through its large windows, which unlike in an airplane, allows the train travelers to enjoy much of the scenery as they travel.   This is another advantage that the Crescent has over the modes of transportation because it allows the passenger to literally see life as it passes buy and to experience and behold first hand the breathtaking beauty of America. While there are those who criticize train travel by saying that there are to many stops along the way, the train can still sometimes be a faster option than traveling by car because of the fact that passengers can sleep on a real bed while they travel throughout the night or even during the day thus eliminating the rest stops that accompany traveling by car. The Crescent also offers such comfortable beds that even the passengers sleeping in the coach section of the train have a much more restful and revitalizing rest experience as compared to attempting to sleep in the cramp and uncomfortable seats on an airplane.   Not only does the Crescent allow passengers to be well rested for their arrival at their destination it also makes the travel time much shorter as opposed to traveling by car or by bus. Another convenient aspect of the Crescent, which Amtrak has capitalized on in its marketing strategies, is the fact that most train stations are located right in the middle of downtown business districts.   This is the reason why Amtrak has been marketing train travel as a viable alternative aggressively to business travelers.   Instead of having to go through the hassle of claiming baggage in an airport, finding a taxi, and then finally arriving at your destination, business travelers can walk or take a short subway ride to train station or from the train station to their intended destination. This saves a great deal of time and also allows these weary businessmen to maximize their work days while ensuring that they are not too stressed out or harassed as they normally would through other modes of transportation.   The fact that the Crescent also has comfortable beds and even allow the use of cellular phones provides the businessman with more opportunities to work yet at the same time not feel too harassed or troubled by the time that he arrives at this final destination. Trains are also a good option for business travelers because they are less susceptible to weather delays thus offer greater reliability.   These advantages of trains are the key points in the marketing strategies of Amtrak with respect to its Crescent Line and are the main draws for businessmen. The 9/11 attacks have also increased the volume of passengers on the Crescent Line of Amtrak as more and more Americans realize just how dependent the nation has become on a single mode of transportation which has proven vulnerable to attacks and tragedies.   The tragedy has shown that passenger rail is vital and Amtrak greatly anticipates that more and more Americans will take to traveling by train instead of by airplanes because of this incident.   The spotless record of train travel with regard to hijacking has been a great influence on many American’s decisions to travel by train instead and Amtrak has capitalized on this by giving worried travelers the security option of traveling by train. In August 2005, Hurricane Katrina may have greatly disrupted the Crescent’s route from New York to New Orleans but it also created a unique marketing opportunity for Amtrak. Amtrak used this to its advantage and worked diligently to restore train service to the New Orleans area via the Crescent within a month and a half of the aftermath caused by the hurricane and by doing so became one of the first companies to do so. Many of the railroad tracks leading to the city were severely damaged in the storm.   A press released announced the restoration of train service to the city and Amtrak officials stated that they hoped that having the city accessible by train once again would aid the city in its effort to start rebuilding.   The situation allowed Amtrak to show the people of New Orleans that Amtrak values their city and looks forward to things returning to a more normal pace in the area. Another key step in this was in November 2005, when Amtrak began offering discounted rates to passengers traveling to New Orleans.   Travelers received a twenty percent discount on fares to New Orleans.   Amtrak said they hoped that by making it more affordable, more tourists would be able to travel to New Orleans, boosting not only their sales, but the economy of the city.   The discount was also offered to assist aid workers who traveled to the city. Amtrak has also vied for the business of people traveling on cruises out of New Orleans.   Carnival and Amtrak partnered to offer twenty five percent discounts to passengers traveling on the Crescent to reach the port of New Orleans to depart on their cruise.   The two companies hope that this is an incentive for tourists to travel to New Orleans thus helping the city recover faster.   Amtrak was able to capitalize on this situation by showing that they are more than just a company that cares for the welfare of its passengers but also a company that cares for the welfare of America. These key advantages of traveling by train are also the key marketing strategies of Amtrak in increasing the volume of passengers on its Crescent Line.   The relative comfort, reliability, luxury, convenience and security which the Crescent provides is incentive enough for any businessmen or any traveler for that matter to prefer traveling by train over the modes of transportation throughout America. How to cite Marketing strategies of the crescent, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Establish and Develop Health and Safety †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Questions: 1.Discussing information about childrens medical and routine requirements with parents? 2.What is immunisation ? Answers: Assessment 1 It is important that the policy must ensure that it will look after the childrens medical and routine requirements with parents. It also ensures that the children should take their food proper way which must be healthy for them. Along with the physical activity and healthy lifestyles are also providing to them. The parents must visit for regular health checkups for their children and consult with appropriate authorities. According to the National Quality Standard 2.1.1 under a service medical condition policy the enrolment forms has been proceed which contains health information and authorizations for each child which are enrolled. This policy will help the children to get supports for their health and physical wellbeing. Under the enrollment process the administrator who took responsibility for the medication of the child can have the access to the information about the childrens health. It is necessary a rest/sleep/relaxation/quite areas is needed for the children who attend child care because the children need to be relaxed in a comfortable relaxing environment for resting their bodies. The relaxation will help them to get back their energy if the child is sick. The provided relation environment should be safe and well supervised which will provide safe, secure and healthy benefits to them. The rest areas and sleeping equipment that should be made available for babies and older children are cots, portable cots, mattresses, prams and strollers, the hygiene policies where all the equipments will be cleaned in a proper way, sleep wares. Hanging cords or strings from blinds, curtains, mobiles or electrical appliances must be kept away from cots or mattresses to prevent a child from choking or hanging. Every time it is necessary that all the equipments should be cleaned. The baby cots, mattress should be cleaned with proper cleaning process which helps to keep it hygienic. It is the duty of the supervisor that they will look after every cleaning process. Every baby should have their own bed linen and after taking rest the resting mattress should be cleaned. The other materials like and mattresses are also cleaned by regularly. It is necessary for the children who came for child care; their rest room should be a silent place where the environments will comforts the babies to get rest before and after they take rest of the medication process. In the room the equipments should be cleaned and safe for the children and must not create any noise which can disturb them while they are resting or sleeping. Poem The supervisor must remove those toys which a child has sneeze or coughed while playing with it. The toys should be cleaned by wearing hand gloves. The toys should be washed in warm water and detergent and dry with clean cloth or better to dry in the sun. The broken toys always are removed because it may hurt any child. The cleaning equipments are also must not harm the health of the child. The staffs should look after the children that they must not through sand or tire chips and must not climb up the slides. Children must slide feet first down the slide and must be on their bottoms. The outside toys are not allowed inside the child care. The children are only allowed to sit in swing alone and nobody is allowed to stand near the swing. The children who are aged less than 5 years are more sensitive rather than older children. They are needed to be taken care with extra attention which is necessary for running the child care. Those children are not able to take care of them themselves therefore they are needed to taken care of every issues under some staffs who are expert of it. When the education programmer planned for an excursion they should undertake risk management. The risk management should be processed under some emergency procedures. In an excursion a lot of people are getting involved in the process to deal with the hazardous. They organization should have a backup plan to deal with the risk and they will consider the seriousness of the risk associated risk managements. According to the hazards they will deal with the issue of risk management. If it has been found that broken glasses in the child play area then I will make it sure that no child will play on that place and the persons are must make the distances from the hazard palaces. After that the cleaning staffs should clean the broken pieces of the glass because it may harm someone. It is the duty of the staff of the child care that they must take care of the outdoor places. The hazardous processes are elimination which helps to removes the damages of danger. The substitution is a process where it helps to control hazards by replacing the issues with a less risky way to achieve the same outcomes. the isolation is another process which helps to separate the hazard from the people at risk by isolating it. the engineering is a process which helps in engendering and helps in making physical changes for the less risks. The phone number for poisons information hotline (Australia) is 13 11 26. Before listing the Poisons Information Centre number for the product or SDS it is needed to must provide product details to the National Poisons Register. The contract number is (02) 9515 1267. Assessment 2 Immunization: it is a process where individually any persons immune system has been fortified against an agent which is also called immunogenic. It helps to protect children from harmful infections or diseases before it affects their body. It us basically provided to the children through a vaccination process which helps to prepare the bodys immune system. There are several diseases can be prevented through the immunization which are rubella, diphtheria, whooping cough, , tetanus, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis (polio) Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B. Process of immunization: it is basically works through a vaccination process by inject it in a childs body. When the child is injected or provided through polio drops it automatically produces the immune response following exposure to a disease. It creates a immune systems for the body. If in future the body makes contact with any disease then it will make the immune response very fast before the person fall sick due to the disease. Vaccines: it is a process of a biological preparation which helps to form a acquired immunity for a particular disease. It is a form of bacteria or virus which can be injected to the body for prevent an infection. It is contains with an agent called microorganism which make the killed the toxins and through the stimulation of the agent the immune system recognize the cells and destroy those infected parts. it helps to protects the future infection also in the body. Reason of immunization: we should immunize our children because it helps to prevents from any disease which may cause unpleasant and serious infectious diseases and it may have a long term of side effects. It creates a safety zone for the children from any diseases in the society. More the children immunized, the chances of diseases will increased. Sometimes a childhood infection causes disabilities for the children which could have long term of side effects or causes death. One of the examples of the emergency evacuation procedure is the communication and display of emergency and evacuation procedures. In this procedure approved provider and nominated supervisor will take initial steps which will prevent risks in emergency situation for the staffs and children. They must make it sure that the whole emergency procedures are displayed a wide prominent place near the exit area and all the staffs must aware about it. It is also important that the all staffs are must trained in those emergency procedures and they have a habit of regular practices of that. It is also important that the all the stuff should have knowledge about the emergency evacuation points. Therefore it is also need to mention that the guardians of the children are also aware about the place of emergency evacuation. The more the supervisor and staffs are became aware about the emergency evacuation procedure, more it will make sure the proper safety towards the children. It is one of the important emergency evacuations but sometimes due to the lack of attention, the procedure did not apply in a proper way which causes damages. This is necessary for the staffs that they must ensure the safety procedure in the emergency situation.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Women in Judaism Essay Example For Students

Women in Judaism Essay Some say that the role of women in Judaism has been misrepresented and misunderstood. Today when people think of women’s role in Judaism, they think of them as being of very low importance. Yet, threw the Halakha (Jewish laws) we are able to see how significant the role of women is in Judaism. There are many Jewish feminist leaders in today’s society. This is because throughout the years of education and study of Judaism, the women learned that everyone must be respected. Within Judaism the women are considered to be on a separate level. They are on the world for one reason, and the men for another. Yet, within the religion they are considered as equals. We will write a custom essay on Women in Judaism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In Judaism, God is not viewed as a male or female. They believe that God has both masculine and feminine qualities. Some Jewish people refer to God as a man only for convenience, not because they actually believe that he is a male. Both man and woman were created in the image of God. Some even believe that women were created with higher role of importunacy because they were â€Å"built† (Gen 2:22) rather then â€Å"formed† (Gen 2:7). In traditional Orthodox Judaism, women are not allowed to be a rabbi. They are not allowed to read for the Torah. Because women are not obligated to do certain commandments, some of their worships do not count for group purposes. Women are also not obligates to the formal prayer service (praying 3 times a day, at specific times). Due to women not being required to join congregational worship, it is their primary responsibility as a wife and a mother. If a women volunteers to attend daily worship services, it is said that their prayers are n ot counted in a minyan. A minyan is a group of 10 people, over the age of bar mitzvah, who gather together and recite specific prayers. While women are still required to pray, they are able to do so at any convenient time they want. They can do so privately without having to attend a public service. Most observant Jewish women usually attend the synagogue on Sabbaths and festival. Yet, their attendance is not a religious requirement. Therefore they may be regarded and less privileged then the males. Written in the Jewish scripts, it is understood that the men and women are not allowed to be together during prayer. In Orthodox Judaism, the men and women are usually in separate sections of the synagogue, and is often separated by a curtain, or in some cases even a wall. To the Jewish men, this is not a sexist act. It is solely done, so that the men would not be distracted by the women’s beauty. For some this may seem chauvinistic, and unfair. But, as Judaism evolved, other segr egations were formed. Within many of these new forms of Judaism, the Conservative and Reform Judaism was created. Both these forms of Judaism see women’s role as being very different then the Orthodox view. However, the basic gender differentiation of traditional laws has created serious tensions in many sections of the Orthodox community. The Reform movement was created in the eighteenth-century Germany as an attempt to modernize the religion. Within this new form of Judaism, they have adapted many ideas from Christianity. The rabbi, or maybe even priest, can be male or female. This allows all females to be counted in all the rituals and prayers. They have introduced alternative mitzvoth (Good deeds that are based on Jewish tradition) and rituals to address religious needs for the women. In some cases, in Reform synagogue they may have someone playing a musical instrument during services, just like they do in a church. Reform and Conservative Judaism have for the most part embraced religious egalitarianism, allowing women to participate as men do in most rituals. Feminism in Judaism has grown in the last century. These women have come back to religious observance, but not in the traditional way. Some women view it as being patriarchal and sexist. Women have begun taking an active role in today’s Judaism. They w ant to be counted in the every-day prayers, and they want to sit with the men in all circumstances. Some women scribes are also trying to re-analyze the role of women in the Torah. They believe that men did the orignialy analysis, and their approach is much different to women’s. They believe there are hints all over the religious scrolls about powerful prophesy by women, but the men gave very little information about them. Among all these changes, the women are also striving to revise liturgical language, into a gender neutral way. In early Jewish history, Zionist women envisioned their promised land (Israel) as being a place where men and women would work side by side and each applying their full capabilities to the creation of this new world. There were many laws created supporting gender equality. Sexual discrimination between sexes in the labor force was perpetuated. Especially once the orthodox parties took a major role in the governing of Israel. They believed that all people even minorities in the state should become equals at all levels. That is why, in most part of the country, people live on what is called Kibbutz. These are mass populated farm areas, where hundreds of families live together and are self-sufficient. To live on a Kibbutz you must give up most of your worldly possessions, mostly only your money, to the government, and you have everything one could need to live a healthy and happy life on the Kibbutz. .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .postImageUrl , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:hover , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:visited , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:active { border:0!important; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:active , .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u56c0aa4fb4a51fc83df61b7c301f115d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Caryl Churchill (1686 words) EssayThroughout the history of Judaism, women have not only been the housekeeper, the mother, and the wife, they have also been a large part of the religious culture. We are able to see this especially when Moses went to get the Ten Commandments. While he was on Mount Sinai obtaining the commandments from God himself, the Jewish people had given up hope, and begun praying to idols. It was only the women who kept their faith and did not once dishonor their God. Even though, the laws of traditional Judaism are considered to be more biased towards men, the women have always played an important role in Jewish society and religion. In the 20th centu ry we have already seen many new forms of Judaism appear. This has allowed women to slowly become a more important role in all aspects of the religion. In the near future, no one can tell how the religion will change, and how it will transform. Bibliography:?The Role of Women, Judaism 101 http://www.jewfaq.org/women.htm?Women carving new place in Judaism http://jewishsf.com/bk950901/1woman.htm?Living Religions 4th edition Mary Pat Fisher?Judaism and the new woman Sally Priesand?Tradition in a rootless world : women turn to Orthodox JudaismLynn Davidman?The crown of creation : the lives of great biblical women based on rabbinic mystical sourcesChana Wesiberg

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Daily Fuel Taking your ideas and making them a reality

Daily Fuel Taking your ideas and making them a reality Flawless execution will outperform strategy.   All. Day. Long.   If you’ve been making tons of suggestions and feel like you’re not being heard, then listen to this week’s Bossy Skirt advice on how to turn ideas into action.   The approach, not the idea, may be the obstacle. [Source: Daily Fuel]

Friday, November 22, 2019

Radial Symmetry in Marine Life

Radial Symmetry in Marine Life Radial symmetry is the regular arrangement of body parts around a central axis. Definition of Symmetry First, we should define symmetry. Symmetry is the arrangement of body parts so they can be divided equally along an imaginary line or axis. In marine life, the two main types of symmetry are bilateral symmetry  and radial symmetry, although there are some organisms that exhibit biradial symmetry (e.g., ctenophores) or asymmetry (e.g., sponges). Definition of Radial Symmetry When an organism is radially symmetrical, you could cut from one side of the organism through the center to the other side, anywhere on the organism, and this cut would produce two equal halves. Think of a pie: no matter which way you slice it, if you slice from one side to the other through the center, youll end up with equal halves. You can continue slicing the pie to end up with any number of equal-sized pieces. Thus, the pieces of this pie  radiate  out from the central point.   You can apply the same slicing demonstration to a sea anemone. If you draw an imaginary line across the top of a sea anemone starting at any one point, that would divide it into roughly equal halves. Pentaradial Symmetry Echinoderms like sea stars, sand dollars, and sea urchins exhibit a five-part symmetry called pentaradial symmetry. With pentaradial symmetry, the body can be divided into 5 equal parts, so any one of five slices taken out of the organism would be equal.    In the feather star shown in the image, you can see five distinctive branches radiating from the stars central disk. Biradial Symmetry Animals with biradial symmetry show a combination of radial and bilateral symmetry. A biradially symmetrical organism can be divided into four parts along a central plane but each of the parts is equal to the part on the opposite side but not the part on its adjacent side. Characteristics of Radially Symmetrical Animals Radially symmetrical animals have a top and bottom but dont have a front or back or distinctive left and right sides.   They also have a side with a mouth, called the oral side, and a side without the mouth called the aboral side.   These animals typically can move in all directions.   You can contrast this to bilaterally symmetrical organisms like humans, seals or whales, who usually move forward or backward and have a well-defined front, back and right and left sides. While radially symmetrical organisms can move easily in all directions, they may move slowly, if at all. Jellyfish primarily drift with waves and currents, sea stars move relatively slowly compared to most bilaterally symmetrical animals, and sea anemones barely move at all.   Rather than a centralized nervous system, radially symmetrical organisms have sensory structures scattered around their body.   Sea stars, for example, have eyespots at the end of each of their arms, rather than in a head region. One advantage of radial symmetry is that it may make it easier for organisms to regenerate lost body parts. Sea stars, for example, can regenerate a lost arm or even an entirely new body as long as a portion of their central disk is still present.   Examples of Marine Animals With Radial Symmetry Marine animals that exhibit radial symmetry include: Coral polypsJellyfishSea anemonesSea urchins References and Further Information: Morrissey, J.F. and J.L.  Sumich. 2012. Introduction to the Biology of Marine Life (10th Edition). Jones Bartlett Learning. 467pp.University of California Museum of Paleontology.  Bilateral (left/right) Symmetry. Understanding Evolution. Accessed February 28, 2016.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technology Implementation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Technology Implementation Paper - Essay Example It includes all marketable or transferable product, process, service, standard, know-how, methodology, software, network, experience, etc. The new instrument based on innovative technology always comes with a manual of instructions that aims to make it efficient and user-friendly. As thus it can simplify the working and make it easier and faster to handle. That finally increases the productivity of instruments or machines. Today, the market is competitive, and companies adopt new technology to survive in such conditions. The consumer demands the best, and the new technology meets the expectations of the users. The good implementation method poses a healthy competition, and consumer gets its benefit. The absence of new evolution would wipe out the service provider companies and products from the market. So the companies invest substantial sum wisely in new technologies. In certain cases it becomes an issue of live and die importance. Hence the investment in new technology at appropria te time and place is paramount. A fit technology company can displace the misfit companies. The example of mobile phones is before us that slowly and steadily being displaced by internet phone. Vodafone, a mobile phone services provider, losing 17% of its profits in 2006 due to the rise of the company Tesco an internet phone provider (Foroohar, 2006). In fact, the internet based phone service is cheaper and faster than the mobile phone. It is the necessity of modern market trend to remain abreast with contemporary updated technology. This paper will discuss how Trudy & Solingen Ltd. implements or introduces VC technology system in all of its offices, mobile and site units. It further presents proposals and ideas needed to be shared by management, technical, and non-technical staffs on following information: Project plan Implementation plan Training plan Support strategy Project Plan: The remedy to settle various problems and improve the condition is based on the planning. In the wak e of growing branch and site offices the company records huge increase and complexity of density of the data center. Therefore the management of Trudy & Solingen introduces the Virtual Connect (VC) technology in all of its offices and centers by the end of April 2011. This system takes the existing LAN and SAN management interface. Again, it adds an abstraction or virtualization layer, between the edge of server and network. Consequently, the external networks connect to a shared resource pool of servers. The system modules use VC management tools to create connection profile for each server, and server profiles contain information about server addresses, connections, and boot parameters. The project plan is to simplify system interconnections to boost the efficiency and productivity of data center server, storage, and network administration. All concerned employees and staffs of the company have been directed to be involved in the program to ensure its success. As a consequence of the implementation of VC technology that virtualizes the connections between server and network infrastructure, the networks can communicate with pools of servers. Despite of days or weeks now the changing of servers is a deal of minutes. There are several profitable and less time consuming feature of this plan. The company strives to implement this plan to increase the revenue and offer better services to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case Analysis Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis Report - Case Study Example They are situations that are merely beyond control of the organization. First, there were technical problems caused by weather conditions and malfunctioning of the parts manufactured by the contractors. At the time of different scheduled launches, there existed poor atmospheres that could not allow spacecrafts to operate. As a result, there was an adjournment at various dates. On the other hand, the parts that were manufactured by Thiokol were an ineffective and an exposed danger to human beings. Thus, there was need to correct them before NASA could operate as a result hindered NASA operations and reduced confidence from the stakeholders. NASA experienced economic shortage in finance due to reduced funding from the Congress. The country was embroiled in war with the Vietnamese, hence had reduced their support to the organization. Thus, they could not work as per their specifications and had to revert to more cost effective ways. This limited their goals and could not make effective decision on their own since there was a control from the government sect. Due to these inefficiencies, it meant that the organization could not achieve its objectives and had to be rational enough if they were to succeed. They had to prolong maturity dates of the project, abandon the most sophisticated space crafts and manufacture according to budget. The management also had to spread work as they did in the three branches to allow for more consultations and smooth workflow. Roger Bosjoloy was an expert in the solid rocket booster at the Morton Thiokol. He was charged to oversee an efficient manufacture of the O-ring rocket parts. The unit he led played a significant part in the launch of the challenger however much they experience technical problems. He was however in support of the launch of the challenger regardless of the problems he knew existed. To persuade

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Primary Health Care Essay Example for Free

Primary Health Care Essay Primary health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation and at a cost that the community and the country can afford. It forms an integral part of the country’s health system of which it is the nucleus, and of the overall social and economic development of the country. It is the first level of contact of individuals, the family and the community with the national health system bringing health care as close as possible to where people live and work and constitutes the first element of a continuing health care process (World Health Organisation 1978: 3-4, 34). This is a lengthy and complex definition, but we will break it down into shorter pieces and discuss each of them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Strategies The Meiji Government Used to Achieve Economic Developmen

The Strategies The Meiji Government Used to Achieve Economic Development? The Meiji government during the 1880's created both an institutional and constitution structure that allowed Japan in the coming decades to be a stabile and industrializing country. Two major policies and strategies that reinforced stability and economic modernization in Japan were the creation of a national public education system and the ratification of the Meiji constitution. Both these aided in stability and thus economic growth. The creation of a national education system aided in creating stability because it indoctrinated youth in the ideas of loyalty, patriotism, and obedience. Japan's education system at first stressed free thought and the ideas of individual's exploration of knowledge but by 1890 the education system of Japan became a tool for indoctrination into what Peter Duus calls "a kind of civil religion" with the Imperial Rescript on Education. This Rescript stressed two things. First, it stressed loyalty to the emperor and to a lesser extant to the state. In every classroom a picture of the emperor was placed. Second, the education system stressed self sacrifice to the state and family. Filial piety was taught in schools and applied not only to the family but also to the national family which included father, teacher, official and employer. The Japanese education system also created a system of technical schools and universities both public and private that educated a grow...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mark Antony’s Speech

How does Mark Antony persuade the crowd to reject the conspirators in Act III. 3 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar? During Mark Antony’s compelling speech, he uses various techniques to convince the crowd that the conspirators are murderers not legends. Because the plebians were easily swayed, Mark Antony had this opportunity. To make sure the crowd took his points seriously, Mark Antony has to appear fair and wise. He knows that the plebians are strongly in favour of Brutus, as Brutus has just given them a speech, so if he starts by accusing Brutus, no one would listen to him.Therefore, at the beginning of his speech, Mark Antony was saying that Brutus was â€Å"noble† and â€Å"honourable†. Mark Antony approaches the crowd discernibly. As his arguments grow stronger, the crowds begin to realize that Brutus and the conspirators are wrong. Every time he calls the conspirators â€Å"honourable†, it becomes more ironic and sarcastic and the people start believing it less. To oppose Brutus' claim that Caesar was a heartless tyrant Antony recounts â€Å"how dearly he loved Brutus.Also, Antony humbles himself as â€Å"no orator, as Brutus is† hinting that Brutus used trickery in his speech to deceive the crowd. After that Antony reveals to the crowd Caesar's will, in which â€Å"To every Roman citizen he gives, to every several man seventy-five drachmas† as well as land. He then asks the crowd, â€Å"Here was a Caesar, when comes such another? † which questions the conspirators ability to lead. Finally, Antony releases the crowd and utters, â€Å"Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot. Take thou course thou wilt. After this the crowd riots and searches out the traitors in an attempt to kill them. Mark Antony shows that Caesar was compassionate and that he had a big impact on Antony’s life that he can never forget Caesar: â€Å"My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar. † He claims that they ar e so close that whenever one hurts, the other does too. He starts crying and the crowd understands what he’s going through and we can see this when one plebian says, â€Å"Poor soul, his eyes are red as fire with weeping. † Antony then teases the crowd with Caesar's will, which the beg him to read, but he refuses.Antony tells the crowd to â€Å"have patience† and expresses his feeling that he will â€Å"wrong the honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar† if he is to read the will. The crowd yells out â€Å"they were traitors. â€Å"Honourable men† and have at this time completely turned against the conspirators and are inflamed about Caesar’s death. Even though in his speech Antony never directly calls the conspirators traitors, he is able to call them â€Å"honourable† in a sarcastic manner that the crowd is able to understand.He starts out by pointing out that Caesar had refused the crown three times, which refutes the cons pirator’s main cause for killing Caesar. He reminds them of Caesar's kindness and love for all, proving Caesar as innocent. Next he teases them with the will until they demand he read it, and he reveals Caesar's ‘gift' to the citizens. Finally, Mark Antony, leaves them with the question was there ever a greater one than Caesar, which infuriates the crowd. Mark Antony is able to eloquently manipulate the crowd through remarkable rhetoric skills and turn them against the â€Å"honourable men†.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Jason & Medea Essay

How do Jason’s feelings at the end of the play differ from those revealed in other encounters? In their first encounter, Jason appears to be trying to make himself feel as if he is better than Medea, and as if he is the bigger person than she, mfou no doubt hate me: but I could never bear ill-will to you† implies that he is a better person for helping her even though she hates him – and that even after all that’s happened and all she has said he still â€Å"could never bear ill-will†. He continues to try and defend his actions, claiming it was for social status, that he didn’t marry for love, but for the fact hat he wants to know they will have a good life and not be poor; also, as he marries the King’s daughter, his sons with Medea will be half-brothers to any children Jason may have with Glauce, therefore improving their status on becoming a king of Corinth. Their second encounter is after Medea has decided her exact plan; she knows how she will kill the princess and the king, and has then also planned to kill her sons. She asks for Jason to attend, and he does, at which point she acts like a stereotypical wife of the time, admitting that she was wrong for all the feelings she had, and that verything that had happened was her fault, that she overreacted because she knew Jason was only doing it for the good of their family. It would seem to be a friendly conversation on Jason’s part, he shows no kind of hostility towards Medea when she speaks to him, and openly accepts her apology, and states when he first speaks to her that he is â€Å"ready to listen†. However, later in this meeting he, again, demeens women, â€Å"Only naturally a woman is angry when her husband marries a second wife. † perhaps this is true in a sense, however I think anyone would be angry if their significant ther decided to marry someone else; not Just a woman. After this it could be said that Medea plays up to this, as when he mentions his sons growing up and being strong, she weeps. This may be because she knows her sons will never go, or she believes crying will make Jason pity her. In this encounter he also mentions sexual jealousy, implying that Medea is simply angry because of the fact that Jason is now sleeping with someone else, rather than her – this is because he doesn’t understand her anger, and therefore infers that it is because of this, rather than the fact that he eft her to marry another. Later in this passage, he also refers to Medea as a â€Å"foolish woman† when she tries to send the Coronet and dress to Glauce, and this theme of sexism is carried out a few lines later â€Å"If my wife values me at all she will yield to me more than to costly presents, I am sure of that†; again, the attitude of the ancient Greek time was that women were to do what they were told, rather than what they wanted. They were to be obedient, and not break any rules. In the third and final encounter, at the end of the play, it appears Jason has reached is peripeteia, his downfall. Medea, at this point, has killed their two sons – and it is clear he loses complete control of his emotions, and he begins wildly insulting Medea, calling ner an â€Å"abomination†. It is also earlier in this pa rt that ne calls ner â€Å"the woman I will kill. † at the beginning of the play, he was supposedly in love with her, whilst at the end, he wants nothing more than her to be dead. It becomes obvious that Jason has realised what Medea is truly like, how manipulative and cunning she is; and how she tricked him, in certain parts, at least, into believing she as Just an obedient wife to him. He claims he wants the gods to â€Å"blast her life†, and during the time in which most, if not all, people believed that these gods were real and had impact on their lives, this would be one of the worst things to wish upon someone else. Again, Jason also mentions her â€Å"sexual Jealousy’, blaming this for the murder of their children â€Å"†¦ out of mere sexual Jealousy, you murder them! † At the complete end of the play, Jason is on the ground, whilst Medea is in a chariot (pulled by dragons) on the roof; this could be a representation of the fact that, in the eginning, Jason was of a higher standing than Medea, however at the end she had gotten (in a sense) what she wanted, and that she was now on top – her enemies not able to laugh at her. He asks Medea to let him bury the children, a request which she declines, so he then asks if he could hold them one last time. She responds with â€Å"now you have kisses for them†, as previously Jason had appeared to be more than happy to let his sons be exiled – even if he did state in previous encounters that he had married the princess not for Just his social standing, but also his sons.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay Sample on Art and Architecture A Rhetoric Analysis

Essay Sample on Art and Architecture A Rhetoric Analysis Essay on Rhetoric Analysis on Art and Architecture: Art can be looked at as the quality, expression, and production as per aesthetic principles of what is appealing or even of more than everyday significance. Therefore, art does not only involve drawing or painting or other related activities. In essence, art amounts to our expression of innate creativity- language of the soul. It is a creative act and a spiritual journey (Naiman, 2010). Thus it, is practically an expression of the soul making it more than just a mere presentation. This could be the reason why it has continued to take new dimensions over the centuries- each person has his own reflection – and it is true that people will interpret a piece of work of art differently. Each and every artist has a something inside him or her that is calling out to be expressed. Thus, in art, artists should feel free to express their inner feeling. It is worth noting that there exist no rules for expressing the needs of one’s soul. In practice, an artist goes beyond convention and the product is always beautiful. It is been noted it is not that artist are special persons; but that each individual is a unique kind of artist. In particular, art is a way to express each person’s inborn creativity. As a result, the ultimate creativity in art comes out of the energy of wisdom and love; some would refer to this as the source or divine. Artists play with their work so as to enhance the form or idea through combining, assimilating or synthesizing a range of elements. One surrenders control of the outcome and at such an instance, the work of art paints itself and the design comes out by itself. As such, the work of art involves ecstatic experiences which ensure that the process is complete. As a consequence, artists should feel gratitude and relief for creative expression that flows within them letting it lie bare for the next cycle. According to Jung (2005), creativity is not all about drawing and painting since in art it can manifest itself in various ways. For instance, it is natural that we create as a result of our tutor’s humiliation but this does not translate into that we are uncreative. Cr eativity is within each us and it could be that when we were young, we received inadequate reinforcement for our creative powers; thus when we grow up we become reluctant to allow our creative urges bubble up from within. In art, there should be no fear as this is a major block to creativity –art itself. Fear to make a mistake, to look foolish or of the unknown inhibits work of art within us. The worry about how good we are inhibits the creativity or expression within us. Creativity in and outside art takes varying forms; one could make creativity within express itself via decorating, gardening, business entrepreneurship or any other way (Storck, 2011). Thus, creativity in art should involve and be expressed through fresh thinking, acting on new ideas and seeing things in new ways. Work of art –and artists- should be free; driven by innate creativity. In a conclusion, expression of creativity is living my passion- being an artist in the entire areas of life while making my whole life creative (a work of art). Art includes exploration of whispers in the artist’s heart and hearing the call- creativity. At CustomWritings.com you can buy essay paper on any Art related topic. Professional writers will write a custom essay or research paper for you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Athletics In MacGregors Sporting Landscape

However, using tactics which corroborate teamwork and competitive factors which in theory will motivate students to strive and increase their participation levels. 1. 0 Introduction This report will provide a detailed analysis of the participation of athletics in Macgregor’s microcosm as the societal norm believe that the status quo is â€Å"uncool†, it is known that the position of Australia’s porting landscape is very weak as there is a lack of participation within Australia as a whole This can be answered by a simple formula created to find the reason why some sports have a lack in participation in mainstream society today, Figueroa’s framework, this formula is divided into Levels listed in the following Cultural, Structural, Institutional, interpersonal and individual levels, nonetheless, it Is concluded that it is up to the individual of whether they decide to participate in Athletics or not. 2. 0 Figueroa’s Framework The social factors that influence an individual’s decision to participate in Athletics may indirectly or directly impact them by shaping their values, attitudes and beliefs. Knowing this the individual may find themselves being subjective to the people and also the certain factors they face in society ranging from cultural differences to peers to themselves. Sociologist, Peter Figueroa, develop a framework that analyses the equity of social resources that can also be implemented into the participation of athletics. . 1 Individual Level It can be argued that when it comes to equity and access issues, the individual level is the most important. This is because, while all levels of Figueroa’s Framework can identify how equity and sporting opportunities are presented to an individual, in the end it is the individual’s choice that will determine his or her access and level of participation in physical education. Kiss, 2012) This level is specific to Macgregor’s sporting landscape as it highlights the lack of participation in students; nonetheless, these decisions about sport and physical activity are ultimately made by the individuals Gen es, values, attitudes and personalities which are specific to each individual. 3. 0 Action plan In Macgregor’s deteriorating athletics program, the lack of participation in the carnivals can link to many reasons why they don’t compete in such events. Study shows that the majority of students would prefer to sit and chat with their friends instead of competing in athletics, however, to allow students to participate, an action plan was developed to; in theory create a more fun and enjoyable carnival thus increasing participation levels, using successful methods utilized in Australian sports such as Cricket, NRL, AFL, etc. The ideologies used within these sports can be integrated within the society of Macgregor’s microcosm shaping the status quo of Macgregor’s Athletics program in a more positive, enjoyable way. . 1 Justification of Action plan Throughout sporting history there are various techniques to strive for in order to have a successful carnival, the majority of successful sports share many similar techniques to better improve the participation of athletes in Australia such as making it more interactive for the audience thus improving their participation rates; for example, in tennis they implement a board that measures the speed of the serve for each game as well as the Olympics which show the world record for each event. nowing this; a supposed board that lists all the records of each event is shown publically pre-athletics carnival and during for students to observe and in theory become more motivated and strive to train and compete in the events believing they are able to break that record thus improving participation rates. Secondly, the appearance of famous sporting athletes have known to improve the participation of sports for example, NBA players frequently appear in many occasions of street basketball games as it obviously creates publicity, however, also improves the participation due to the fact that this allows the ‘average basketball fanatic’ who normally would watch their idol from the comfort of their own television, but in fact they are able to play side by side with their idol increasing their moral and motivation to play. This can also be implemented in the athletics carnival by having the famous athlete participate and motivate the students to join in and also create a slight sense of competition. Finally, it is a fact that Australians love to play team based sports as listed, AFL, Cricket, Football, NRL, Soccer, Basketball, Rugby League are in the top 10 Australian sports; this is 7 of the 10 sports that are shown. With this in mind, Students would be required to form groups of 3 and compete in the athletics carnival, with a twist; each event would hold a certain amount of points varying on the position the student places, 10points for 1st, 7points for 2nd, 5point for 3rd and participation will be worth 2 points. The team that scores the highest points will be rewarded with a prize, such as vouchers, etc. 4. 2 Links to survey results The action plan created was based on a census of the whole school to observe whether they would participate in athletics and their reasons to not. To justify the particular choices created in the action plan by showing the statistics which have guided the development as the spikes in the statistics assist in improving the participation by surveying the trend. The reason a record chart was implemented as it adds a competitive flair and students receive social rewards within the athletics carnival as 19% of students feel that there is no reward for students if they win the events, this will help students strive for the record instead of just trying to win. A massive 27% of students feel that they are not good enough for the athletics carnival and believe there is no point to participate and simply just socialize with their peers, with the appearance of a famous athlete; students would be motivated to part take in the events as the special guest can provide moral support and advice to improve their technique, etc. during the carnival as they can join in with the students. By creating team based events the 80% of students that prefer team sports are able to participate and at the same time fill the social void according to the 25% as they strive to motivate fellow teammates and allow each other perform better overall, also considering the 66% that would participate in the carnival if their peers were to join in. (Buckley, et al, 2013) 4. Links to research material including the individual level of the framework The research gathered of Figueroa’s framework on the individual level, it is realised that students values and beliefs are to strive for competition and rewards, as these factors have been fulfilled it will allow students to participate in a more enjoyable way, due to the fact that an individual’s values and beliefs reflect directly upon their parents, siblings and peers, however, it is proven that the individual learns to behave through the experience they have accumulated from mainly their peers, also the fact that students view the sports society in a ‘boring’ manner, they often assume they cannot socialise with their peers which majorly affect their participation rates. 5. 0 Conclusion

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ownership of Human Tissues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ownership of Human Tissues - Essay Example Similar cases are true for most other possessions. Whatever else a person may possess in this world, notwithstanding, no doubt naturally evident that he or she claims the cells of his or her body. Where else could the idea of possession start, other than with the parts of a substantial corpus that all would perceive as "me"? However, there have been claims and even court cases regarding the issue of ownership of human body tissues. For instance, if part of the patient body is removed and used for research or any other purpose, does the patient still retains the rights to these body parts. If not, how far do his rights of possession extend as concerns his own body parts? This essay will explore the historical and contemporary concept of ownership of human tissues and ethics. The guiding thesis for this essay is that the rights of ownership of human tissues extends to as far as the tissues are within the body1. The essay will explore the law concerning this issue and provide arguments for and against the thesis statement. The concept of property has been legally unclear over many years. The issue gets even more complicated when it comes to the basic question whether people actually own their own bodies. With any legally accepted property, the alleged owner has the right to use the property in any way they please only if the use does not harm others. If so is true, then donated human parts, and organs are still in the possessions of the donor and he, or she has the rights to dictate how they are to be used and/or disposed. However, this is not as simple as it sounds. With the advent of biotechnology, the world has witnessed multiple controversies related to the ownership and use of bits and pieces from human bodies whether alive or not. Human tissues and cells are currently scattered over a wide range of laboratories, sperm